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It is with great pleasure that we invite you to discover the La Grande Académie School Complex, open since 2016, in Zinder, on the Miriah road. Our mission is to educate future leaders who are open-minded, who are fueled by ambition and creativity, and who remain rooted in the local reality.

We accept students from kindergarten to elementary, and soon we will be accepting middle school students. However, enrollment is only open for the kindergarten and primary levels. We maintain a quota of 30 students per class at all levels.  Our program is based on the national curriculum, enhanced with the introduction of information technology, entrepreneurship, and global education. To facilitate students’ routines, we offer services such as transport, school lunch, and after-school activities. The school hours are 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.


What Does a Sponsorship Package Cover?

You have an opportunity to help us sponsor children who demonstrate academic excellence and economic hardship. The Raising Change Makers Scholarship funds cover the student's cost of attendance (Teacher Annual Salary + Utilities + Supplies+ School Maintenance), uniforms, school supplies, textbooks, transportation, school lunch, and an annual health check-up.

*$300 sponsors a child for one year

*$25 sponsors a child for one month​

*$6 sponsors a child for one week​

Sponsorship Detail

Friends of TGA Inc.

Excellence insights logo_edited.jpg

You Matter Omaha

“We are very happy about the opportunity given to our children. We did not get a chance to attend school, and today we are paying the price. I attended Quranic School so I am a disciple, I make ends meet by being helpful and at the service of others. Unfortunately, times have changed now. One needs to know how to read and write in order to get by. I am very glad my children have that opportunity now. We have been moving around a lot, and everywhere we go the schools are not close to us. So this is an honorable things for us to have La Grande Académie close to us in the outskirts of the town.” (Translated from Hausa)

Testimonial from a father of 4 students at La Grande Académie School in Zinder, Niger.



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